The Edassei is a predominantly Elvish religion. It, like many other religions, is said to have been formed by the Anto Gods, whom wanted to grant power to a select group of souls residing within the Dusk and Dawn. The religion originated in the Dusk and the Dawn, two polar opposite planes, but the home of Elves and all manner of Fae creatures.
Edassei literally translates to "Poem Soul," and is actually the descriptive name for the Gods themselves, as Edassei was the name given to the tribe formed by the Gods of the Dusk (known as the Dunir) and Dawn (known as the Dasir), following the unification of the two planes. The Gods themselves are said to be the collective consciousness of the spirits from the previous incarnations of that particular God. The divine collective souls choose a person to inhabit, almost like a form of possession. The inhabited person can remain autonomous and oblivious to the divine soul that binds itself to them for their entire lives; although, it is likely that they will notice their innate ability for highly powerful and divine magic. In order for a person to ascend and control the full power of their Edassei selected soul, they must align with their highest and truest self. Within the Dawn and Dusk, there is great debate on whether this alignment suggests aligning with the values of the spirit that inhabits you, or whether you must align with your own values instead of the traditional values of your Edassei soul. When a person with an Edassei soul dies, their own consciousness is added to the collective. The Edassei soul then moves on to reincarnate. The souls of the Edassei are considered to be without a specified sex, orientation or gender, instead they often adopt the sex, gender and sexual orientation of their host.
In order to ascend, a person with an Edassei spirit must be aligned, and then must undergo an ascension ritual. This ritual is known as Uppsaltide in Sylvan and Elvish, which literally translates to "Sacred Time," in the Urf Common Tongue. This ritual only occurs every 9 years, taking place usually in Sulmer and lasting a total of 9 days, and involves the sacrifice of a Dawn or Dusk Elf woman, depending on which plane the Edassei soul originated from. This ritual is usually followed by celebrations and festivities, to welcome and congratulate the true alignment of the Edassei soul and the Host soul. It is common for suspected hosts to die during Uppsaltide. This only ever happens if it turns out that the candidate isn't actually a host of an Edassei soul after all. Those who complete their ascendancy ritual are able to access their Edassei soul's fullest potential and power. They are also able to enter a Demi-Plane only accessible to the Edassei, called Urfswell. Here, the Edassei meet to discuss matters of interest, such as religious wars, harvest festivals and general religious administration within the Dawn and Dusk.
Other celebrations include Yuleblöt and Balblöt.
Yuleblöt sees a volunteer noble Elf woman from either the Dusk or Dawn, hunted in a mock-kidnapping. When the volunteer has been captured in this performance, whoever managed to catch her, must return her unharmed to the portal to Urfswell. Here, the woman is sacrificed to Sýr in hopes for a bountiful harvest and safe Yule. The person or persons whom caught the volunteer are rewarded handsomely. Yuleblöt also sees the act of giving gifts to friends, family and other loved ones, as a sign of gratitude and love.
Balblöt happens only very rarely, only when a suspected Baldag host completes their ascension. Baldag's ritual is rather unique, as the host always dies during their ritual. Although, if the suspected host was indeed a reincarnation of Baldag, they will be resurrected on the 1st day of Yule. If this happens, the entire Dawn and Dusk have had a long and important tradition of remaining at peace for the entirety of Yule. This is to symbolise the return of their spirit of peace and innocence. It is often also that people who give birth during this time, will name their children something relating to Baldag as a sign of thanks. The resurrection of Baldag sees the Dusk and Dawn prosper, as the land becomes rich and fertile, along with trade and tourism stimulating the two planes.
It is believed that when a follower of the Edassei dies in battle, their soul ascends to a plane known as Edaheim, quite literally meaning "Poem Place," or "Poem Home." If one does not die in battle, it is believed they ascend to a plane known as Folkheim, meaning "People's Place," or "People's Home." Edaheim is said to be the ultimate afterlife for a follower of the Edassei, where joy, celebration and pleasure of all kinds is in constant abundance. Edaheim is also accessible to the Gods, meaning followers who go to Edaheim, can sit with the Edassei. Edaheim is said to be ruled by Vidir. Folkheim sees rolling fields and lakes as large as oceans, men, women and children can live peaceful, nomadic lifestyles, never wanting, never suffering. Folkheim is said to be ruled by Vanadis.
There are 23 Edassei souls in total, however, three of these souls are not included in the overall list of Gods:
The first of these three souls is the Edassei soul, Yggdrasil, the old Goddess of Nature. Her soul was excommunicated from the Edassei, after she committed heresy by fraternising with the heathen God, Nidog, of the Draconic Pantheon. Tales recall how Nidog corrupted Yggdrasil, turning her sour and poisonous. Hostile action was taken in an attempt to rescue Yggdrasil, the Draconic Gods were beaten, Nidog slain, however, it was too late for Yggdrasil, as she had already been turned against the Edassei by Nidog and his cruel poison. In order to protect her, she was locked away and banished to Urf, where she was imprisoned in a tree of life, lonely and eternal. This Tree was guarded by the fort that comes to be known as Castle Woodfrost. The protector of Woodfrost still resides there to this day, Preventing Yggdrasil's escape.
The second of the three souls was known as Runár. She was the very first Edassei soul to be created by the Anto Gods, and is considered to be a failed experiment. Runár is fairly forgotten amongst Edassei lore, as she was banished to the core of the Urf following her corruption by Hanubos. Runár renounced her name, taking on a monstrous form, establishing her own pantheon in the Underhall, known as Kamishi. Kamishi is worshipped by most Underlings, it is known to be a religion focused on bringing death to Toplings.
The third and final unrecognised soul, has two distinct parts, the Val and the Valkr. Many dispute the existence of this soul, though some interpretations of it indicate that it symbolises the potential for greatness in everyone. Others see it as a way of portraying the will of the spirits encouraging both men (Val) and women (Valkr) and everyone in between, to be the best they can be, as the Gods constructed an entirely unique soul to grant to all followers and ancestors of the Edassei and the Dusk and Dawn.